Investing In High-End Accessories

Investing In High-End Accessories

Surprise Your Husband By Dressing As A Life-Sized Mermaid

by Maas Roelvink

Are you looking for a way to add spark to your relationship with your husband? If so and you are tired of lacy lingerie, tickle his fantasies by dressing as a mermaid. This might sound like an outlandish idea, but it is very easy to create the illusion all the way down to the fin. The following are ideas you can incorporate into your mermaid experience to ensure that it is one he will never forget.


If your hair is not naturally long, consider buying a long wig. Instead of choosing a standard color, consider choosing a bright-colored wig. Think about mythical-inspired colors such as lavender, blue, neon green or hot pink. Adding hairclips or combs with embellishments can add more flair to your hair. You can make your own by using a hot glue gun to glue on small seashells. 


A CD with romantic music is nice, but you can make the whole experience more realistic by opting to play a CD with nature sounds. Search for one that has the sound of water or sounds that mimic an oceanic environment. You may also be able to compile a playlist on your computer by searching for these sounds online.


The top portion of your outfit can be completed by investing in a bra or bikini top. You might also want to consider choosing a bathing suit if that is closer to your style or his preference. You can use a retailer that sells mermaid swim tails as a resource for finding the best solution for the bottom portion of your body. The retailer may have swim tails available in a variety of material options. Some of them may even have special features. For example, you may be able to locate a mermaid tail that has a mechanical function that makes it flap up and down. 

Water or Not

Water would be excellent for your home environment if you have a pool or spa tub. If you do not have one of these, you could consider reserving a room at a nice hotel that has private in-room jacuzzis or spa tubs. 

You can still have fun even if there is not any splashing involved. Make plans to have your bedroom at home ready. Invest in blue sheets to mimic the color of water if possible. All you have to do is sit on the bed "dolled up" and wait for your beau to arrive. Adjust the lighting to a soft light if possible to make the room appear more whimsical. 

For mermaid swimsuits, contact a company such as Jenny Stanger.


About Me

Investing In High-End Accessories

After burning through several pairs of cheap earrings, I decided one day that it might be in my best interest to look into buying some better pieces. Instead of visiting little accessory shops, I started saving my money and frequenting high-end jewelry stores. I quickly realized that by investing more money into jewelry, the items would last significantly longer and look a lot better when I wore them. It was amazing to see how much better I looked with the better items. This blog is all about investing in better accessories so that you can take better pictures or enjoy a renewed sense of self.
